Zohar Shavit
Position / Affiliation | Full professor at the School for Cultural Studies and Chairperson of the Program in Research of Child and Youth Culture at Tel Aviv University |
Office Address | Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 6997801 Israel Gilman Building, Room 474 |
Phone | +972 (0)3-6409188 |
zshavit [at] tauex [dot] tau [dot] ac [dot] il | |
Website | http://humanities.tau.ac.il/segel/zshavit/?lang=he |
Research Project | Cultural Translation—Jewish Networking in the European Enlightenment |

Zohar Shavit, incumbent of the Porter Chair of Semiotics and Culture Research, is a full professor at the School for Cultural Studies and the Chairperson of the Program in Research of Child and Youth Culture at Tel Aviv University. She is an internationally renowned authority on the history of Israeli culture, child and youth culture, and the history of Hebrew and Jewish cultures in modern times, in the context of their relations with various European cultures, in particular with the French and German.
Thus far Prof. Shavit has published more than ten books, including a pioneering work on the creation of Hebrew culture in Eretz-Israel, published by The Israel Academy of Sciences: The Construction of Hebrew Culture in the Jewish Yishuv in Eretz-Israel (1998); a ground-breaking work (in collaboration with Hans-Heino Ewers), on books for Jewish children in German-speaking countries, Deutsch-jüdische Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Von der Haskalah bis 1945 (1996), and several pioneering works on child and youth culture. A Past without Shadow, Avar belo Tzel [Hebrew] – her challenging and polemic study of the construction of the past in German books for children, was published by Routledge in 2005. With Annegret Völpel, she published the first comprehensive description of the cultural history of books for Jewish children in the German-speaking world, Deutsch-Jüdisch Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Ein literaturgeschichtlicher Grundriß (2002). Her standard work Poetics of Children’s Literature (revised Hebrew edition: Just Childhood: Introduction to Poetics of Children’s Literature 1996), was published in Portuguese (2004) and in 2009 in a paperback edition.
Recently published: Shmuel Feiner, Zohar Shavit, Natalie Naimark-Goldberg, Tal Kogman (eds.), The Library of the Haskalah. The Creation of a Modern Republic of Letters in Jewish Society in the German-Speaking Sphere, Tel Aviv: Am Oved 2014, 503 pp. [Hebrew]. Including: Shmuel Feiner, Zohar Shavit, Natalie Naimark-Goldberg, Tal Kogman, Introduction. In: The Library of the Haskalah. 9-19 [Hebrew]. And: Zohar Shavit, What do you do when you get up in the morning: The function of the Haskala Library in the change which took place in the Jewish Habitus”. In: The Library of the Haskalah, 39-62 [Hebrew].
Also published in 2014: Zohar Shavit, „Rousseau under Maimonides’ Cloak.“ The strategy of introducing Enlightenment literature into the new Jewish library: The case of publication of paragraphs of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Émile in Ha-me’assef. In Zion 79.2 (2014), 135-174 [Hebrew]. And: Zohar Shavit, “Cultural Translation: Ideological and Model Adjustment in Translation of Children’s Literature”. In Gabriele von Glasenapp, Ute Dettmar, and Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff (Hgg.), Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung international: Ansichten und Aussichten. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main 2014, 31-52.